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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Recent online dating and social networks statistics

Mark Brooks the author of online personals watch has recently interviewed ,Alex Burmaster , the Internet dating and social networking specialist for Nielsen Online.

Here are some intersting numbres:

The strongest growing personals sites in the US:

The strongest growing personals sites in the Europe:

The number of people visited dating sites in the USA, and the countries that they cover in the EU, last month

US = 25.8 million
DE = 5.6 million
FR = 4.7 million
UK = 3.6 million
IT = 2.7 million
ES = 2.3 million

The number of people visited social networks in the USA, and the coutries that they cover in the EU, last month?

Member communities category (social networks & blogging)
US = 104 million
UK = 18.9 million
FR = 17.6 million
IT = 15.1 million
DE = 14.6 million
ES = 11.7 million

See full interview here

Monday, April 14, 2008

A sneak peak to the upcoming new version of Copenda - 4, Adding your profile to Copeda

One of the most frequent question asked by the users is how to add their profiles to Copenda.

The current answer was: it takes time but eventually our crawler will index all profiles.We knew it was not a good answer and we decided to allow users to manually add their profiles to Copenda. In addition users will be able to associate existing profile (allready in Copenda) with their Copenda profile. By claiming your social networks and dating sites profiles you will be able to Contact other users within the same network directly from Copenda,
Track your profiles and get notification when someone ,add new comment to your profile
Use future functionalities such as presence and more.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

A sneak peak to the upcoming new version of Copenda - 3, My Copenda

The clock is ticking and the new version is just behind the corner.
Today I will expose one of the most important feature - MyCopenda.
MyCopenda is a personal area which will allow you to:

  • Edit your personal information
  • View and manage your favorit profiles
  • Add your social network profiles to Copenda
  • Invite your friends

In the future we plan to extend it to show an aggregated data from your social networks.

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