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Friday, September 21, 2007

Online Dating Statistics

According to Mediamark Research Inc. (MRI) , some 2.5 million US adults participated in online dating in the last 30 days.

Some of MRI's findings:

  • Of the 2.462 million adults who reported participating in online dating in the last 30 days, 52.2 percent are men and 47.8 percent are women.

  • Younger people - ages 18-34 - comprise almost half of all online daters, making them 59 percent more likely than the population as a whole to be in this group.

  • Middle-aged people are significantly represented: Nearly one-quarter (24.2 percent) of online daters are between the ages of 35-44.

Read more at MarketingVox

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have you seen this survey about online dating statistics of college students who are gay?

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