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Sunday, March 23, 2008

The future of today social networks

I have just read a very interesting article in about the social networks.

"Social networking will become a ubiquitous feature of online life. That does not mean it is a business"

According to the author "The problem with today's social networks is that they are often closed to the outside web. The big networks have decided to be “open” toward independent programmers, to encourage them to write fun new software for them. But they are reluctant to become equally open towards their users, because the networks' lofty valuations depend on maximising their page views—so they maintain a tight grip on their users' information, to ensure that they keep coming back. As a result, avid Internet users often maintain separate accounts on several social networks, instant-messaging services, photo-sharing and blogging sites, and usually cannot even send simple messages from one to the other. They must invite the same friends to each service separately. It is a drag."

Our vision , in Copenda , is that Copenda will become the platform that will bridge the gap between the social networks.
We started it by enabling cross site people search and will go even further in the upcoming version with a new contact me feature that will allow you to contact any user from any social network without leaving Copenda.

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